It is the policy of VIRTUAL INTERNSHIPS (the Company), including all and any
trading names connected with them, to pursue and promote at all levels of employment within the Company measures which shall aim to ensure and protect the health and safety of all employees and any other persons connected with the operations of the Company.
- The implementation of this policy will fulfil all and any legislative requirements the Company is subject to through ensuring:
- That all reasonable and practical steps and measures are taken to safeguard the health, safety and welfare of all employees of the Company while at work.
- That the safety and health of any members of the public, or any other persons who may visit sites and locations where the Company carries out its business operations, is protected so far as is reasonably practical.
- That sufficient measures are implemented by the Company to prevent accidents and cases of work related ill health by managing the health and safety risks in the workplace.
- That sufficient measures are implemented by the Company to prevent accidents and cases of work related ill health by managing the health and safety risks in the workplace.
- Company engagement with and consultation of employees on a regular and appropriate basis in relation to the health and safety conditions of their work for the Company.
- Implementation of emergency procedures in case of significant events, such as fires etc, which threaten the health and safety of employees and others.
- That the Company maintains safe and healthy working conditions,
provides and maintains all necessary equipment and any other goods or tools which are necessary for employees to carry out the duties of their role with the Company.
- The relevant actions that will be taken in order to ensure compliance with health and safety are:
- Relevant risk assessments shall be completed and actions arising out of those assessments shall be implemented where necessary. Where working habits or conditions change risk assessments shall be reviewed. This shall be the responsibility of: Head of Business Process & Technology.
- Relevant risk assessments shall be completed and actions arising out of those assessments shall be implemented where necessary. Where working habits or conditions change risk assessments shall be reviewed. This shall be the responsibility of: Head of Business Process & Technology.
- All relevant and necessary signage for the protection and safety of employees and any other persons entering and present on Company premises will be displayed clearly and updated as necessary. Escape routes
shall be well signed and kept clear at all times. Evacuation plans and procedures will be tested from time to time and updated as necessary. This shall be the responsibility of: Office Manager.
- All relevant employee and public facilities such as toilets, washing facilities and drinking water shall be provided at all times. The Company shall ensure that these facilities are always safe to use through a system of routine inspection and cleaning and will take appropriate action where any defects are found. This shall be the responsibility of: Office Manager.
- Implementation of systematic inspections and testing of Company equipment and machinery and ensuring that any necessary action is carried out promptly and efficiently where problems or defects are uncovered. This shall be the responsibility of: Head of Business Process and Technology.
- All and any employees, or other persons working with the Company, have a duty to cooperate in the implementation of this policy through:
- Working and conducting themselves in a manner that promotes their own safety and the safety of others.
- Following and obeying procedures and practices of the Company that have been designed and implemented to ensure safe and healthy working conditions
- Reporting accidents and any other working conditions they may feel are unsafe and have led or may lead to injury or damage.
- Assisting in any necessary investigations of accidents with the aim of introducing new measures to prevent reoccurrence.
- Using any personal protective equipment that has been provided by the
Company for the personal safety of employees under the requirements of the law. Where any employee or any other persons do not follow the relevant training, signage or wearing of personal protective equipment, the Company shall not be held to have acted in contravention to this policy.
- All relevant Health and Safety information and equipment can be found in the following locations:
- Health and Safety Law Poster is displayed at:
Main Offices (UK & VIetnam)
- First-aid box is located:
Reception (UK) and First Floor Office (Vietnam)
This policy is made in fulfilment of the requirements of the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 and any other relevant legislation and regulations.